Geeky Bed Ideas Part 1: Ghostbusters

Geeky Bed Ideas Ghosbusters IKEA Ghost Trap Duvet COver Slimer Pillowcase 2011

One of the items I featured in my Geeky IKEA series was a duvet cover that looked like the original Nintendo Game Boy. I have a few more bed ideas along that vein, enough for their own spinoff series.

Here is a duvet cover that features the gold and black hash marks with an accompanying Slimer pillowcase, together giving the appearance of the Ghostbusters’ ghost trap. This would look great on a black and blocky bed frame, like the IKEA Malm one I used here.

You could go the extra mile add some decorative touches around the bed frame, but I think the duvet and pillowcase alone speak volumes.

Parents might appreciate the appearance of this design, as it would look like their kids are being ensnared by this trap device - their reign of terror is over (until the morning).

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Posted on August 7, 2011, in Furniture and tagged , , , . Bookmark the permalink. Leave a Comment.

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