Anti-Theft Newspaper Vending Box

Newspaper Anti-Theft Vending Box 2011

Well this idea might have been helpful in the early 90′s or sooner. Better late than never!

How it works: A stack of newspapers are sitting on a spring-loaded platform (A), which is raised as the box is emptied. The newspapers are pushed against the top, where a series of rollers (B) are located. These rollers help in gliding the newspaper out of a small door opening (C). Another large door is on the front of the box (D), which holds a single display paper. This door unlocks at the same time as the small door, but it cannot be opened until the platform is all the way at the top of the box (platform is gripping the door shut). The newspapers are loaded at the side or back of the box.

Alternate design: No platform, instead there is a small door at the bottom of the box to grab the paper (rollers are also at the bottom), so gravity is doing all the work. There would be no large front door, instead a slot to display a single page to showcase the paper. Because the door to grab the paper is located at the bottom, the box would need to be raised for easier access.

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Posted on September 5, 2011, in Appliances, Books, News and tagged , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 1 Comment.

  1. Too much maintenance upkeep. It’s cheaper to lose a few newspapers than it is to pay someone to keep a complex vending machine working. Remember, the more papers they “sell”, the more they can charge their advertisers.

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