Guillotine Dresser And Mirror


The long-awaited followup to my Ouija Board coffee table and rug design, I present a mirror and dresser combo that has a Guillotine theme. Nothing disturbing about this at all, ha-ha. This can also be a table and mirror combination, for a more ‘raised platform’ appearance, and to allow it to be parked in a hallway.


The main mirror is concealed behind by a pair of flaps which are painted to look like the wall behind the dresser, giving the illusion of a blade suspended in mid-air. These flaps fold out to become two additional mirrors. The rope pulley activates the lights. The rope handle would be lower, I raised it here so everything can be seen.

The head vice is an empty pass-through, much like a grommet. Use it for your hair dryer or other corded stuff.

This would be very expensive to make, if you plan on commissioning a custom furniture builder to create one. At least three thousand bucks is my guesstimate.

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