Ipod Hybrid Design

IPod hybrid concept design 2010 dave delisle davesgeekyideas

This concept marries the modern touchscreen with the old iPod clickwheel. It would be the best of both of worlds, at least for those of us who like to skip songs without looking.

IPod hybrid concept design 2010 dave delisle davesgeekyideas

The OREO shape would make for a neat way to store earbuds too, almost like a yo-yo. Who doesn’t wrap their earbuds around their iPod?

This would be small enough to clip onto a wristband or a lapel.

Video Game Door Locks

Video Game Door Zelda Key

Wouldn’t it be neat to hear a familiar video game chime when you unlock your front door? Like the sound when opening a dungeon or treasure chest in a Zelda game. Suddenly the mundane task of entering or exiting your home would sound like an adventure.

I feel that creating a deadbolt with a speaker would be the best way to accomplish this. Another way is to incorporate a sound chip into the key itself, but that would be difficult to create an electronic key fob that will fit onto any key.

Special thanks to my friend Matt Rose for suggesting the latter idea (the chime built into the key).

UPDATE: You might have noticed that Zelda chime when the door rang at the beginning of the Scott Pilgrim movie! I think an accompanying door bell would be great too.