Hungry Hungry Hippos Jewelry

Hungry Hippos jewelry design by Dave Delisle

It’s Friday, so why not something on the fun side? Yup, pearl jewelry based on the board game Hungry Hungry Hippos. Depicted above are a pair of earrings and a necklace, though this could translate into bracelets and rings as well.

Obviously these would be for the geek girl with a sense of humor. That’s because there is an inherent danger in gifting hippo-themed jewelry to your lady friend. You might be safer trying to hug a real Hippopotamus.

Star Trek Earrings

Star Trek Ceti Eel earrings by Dave Delisle

This is a more humorous entry in the Geek Bling series - a pair of earrings based on those vile Ceti Eels from Star Trek II The Wrath Of Khan. You know - those alien creatures that burrow into the ear and set up shop in the brain stem? Quaint little parasites.

I think the lady Trekkers out there can appreciate this design:

Star Trek Ceti Eel earrings by Dave Delisle

I was hoping to post a video clip from Star Trek II that featured these horrific creatures, but none can be found. So much for traumatizing people who are not in the know. *sigh!*