Comic Book Mirrors

Comic Book Mirror Decals

The idea of using a magazine cover as a mirror is an old one. Why not a comic book-themed mirror for us geeks?

I am proposing a rectangular mirror that comes with the logo, masthead, and barcode from a comic book cover; essentially turning the mirror into a comic book where you are the hero. OR this could be a set of decals that you can apply to any mirror.

In my opinion this mirror would be a great confidence booster. Think of it: if you are seeing yourself labelled as Superman or Wonder Woman daily, you might subconsciously subscribe to the notion that you are indeed super.

I’m informed that decals used for cars would do the trick, because they are immune to UV light and moisture, making them ideal for the bathroom mirror.

Perfection Board Game Health Reminder


It is recommended that you take a break every hour from working on the computer or playing video games on the couch. Prolonged periods of sitting and doing repetitive motions can lead to RSI or DEATH. Well, probably not death. But you could become fused to the chair. Ew.

Outdoor Street Hockey Courts

Outdoor Street hockey courts by Dave Delisle

An outdoor street hockey court would be comprised of a pavement surface featuring painted lines (like a basketball court), and would have permanent goal fixtures (like a soccer field) and a chain-link fence to encircle the court (like a tennis court). People can play street hockey or roller hockey here.