Ghostbusters Nightlight

Ghostbusters sign nite lite nightlight design 2013 dave delisle davesgeekyideas

Earlier today Gizmodo featured these cool Avengers-themed nightlights. They look great, fully earning their “wall art” nickname. Better yet they run on batteries, so you can place them anywhere on the wall (instead of plugging into a power outlet, which is often the norm for a nightlight).

And that brings me to the design seen above. A nightlight based on the Ghostbusters sign seen in the films, in the exact same vein as those neat Avengers nightlights. This would be a very affordable way for GB fans to procure an illuminated sign.

Super Metroid Missile Lamps


The missile upgrades spread throughout Planet Zebes in Super Metroid were encased in a glass dome (well, I think they were glass domes), so I always thought they’d make for a nice display piece. And what better display than a lamp?

It probably wouldn’t be a full-on lamp mind you. Just an ambient light, something that could be used as a night light or just decoration. If it were up to me, they’d be solar-powered and would also have a light sensor to activate when it gets dark.

Also it couldn’t be a life-size replica, otherwise it would be 2-feet tall (they were 1/3 of Samus’ height in the game). Personally I’d like these to be about the size of a coffee mug, so I can leave several throughout my home.