Awesome Concussion-Fighting Helmet Design Faces Uphill Battle

This reminded so much of my helmet design from several months ago (except mine exploded and had an air-mattress inside!), I thought I’d pass this along.

This Michael Princip was thinking along the lines that I was: a one-piece fully encompassing helmet was like wearing a bell casing on your head. You get hammered, your brain will just rattle inside.

He broke up the helmet into 3 layers, some layers broken into separate panels (such as the outer-most shell). This allows one panel to bear the brunt of the force, instead of the whole helmet absorbing the impact.

I think it’s brilliant. It just looks a million times safer than those brain buckets players currently wear.

Unfortunately Michael Princip is an independent developer, not a big huge company like Riddell which has major partnerships with just about every football league. You’d think it be as simple as collaborating with Riddell to make this a reality, but I doubt Riddell - who has spent millions and millions on safety and concussion research - will let a one-man operation waltz in with a superior design. They would look incompetent.

I’m hoping the NFLPA or CFLPA will opt to give these helmets a trial, simply for the potential benefit in increased safety for their player membership. I think that’s more important than a marketing deal.

Read all about Micheal and his cool helmet here in this unusually well-written Deadspin article.

Posted on January 14, 2011, in Sports and tagged , , . Bookmark the permalink. 2 Comments.

  1. Michael R Keller

    Is there anyhwere i can buy this?

    • Sorry these are all designs/concepts.

      I also can’t speak to the medical practicality or viability of this design either.

      Would be interesting to see how it fares.

      OOPS! Thought this was my helmet post. As far as I know Michael is still trying to shop this design around, but like I wrote he is being stonewalled at every turn. I’m sure you could look him up to see if something can be arranged. Not sure if he has a helmet that is commercially available.

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