Resealing Soda Pop Cans

Coke Pepsi Aluminum Soda Pop Can Side Profile Top

I do admit a bit of guilt designing all these products that warrant the use of plastic, because I often call for reduction in packaging whenever possible, as well as post other ideas that promote environmentally-friendly solutions.

Plastic has two drawbacks; it’s a byproduct of petroleum, and let’s face it, the world needs to reduce dependence on fossil fuels wherever possible. And secondly, it’s not as easy to recycle as you think. It’s usually ground up and used for insulation or other obscure products.

Whereas Aluminum is very easy to reclaim and recycle, especially if using for the same purpose as before - and soda pop cans benefit from this process.

Unfortunately soda pop cans (pop cans here in Canada) are designed for single-use consumption, which is why they are typically 355mL. They are small enough that they do not warrant a re-sealing feature. The larger plastic bottles are resealing, intended for prolonged use.

Now in a perfect world, the larger size bottles would also be available in an aluminum can, and would be able to seal again. This would eliminate the need for plastic.

So I designed this can:

Re-Sealing Coke Pepsi Can Red Bull Beer GIF Aluminum Environmental

It utilizes a habit we have all done at one time or another, when we fidgeted with the tab of a pop can by twirling it in place. So why not turn that tab into a functioning seal?

The tab would be shaped like a sink plug, which would insert into the opening of the can. The seal is aided by a secondary plug, which encircles the opening.

There would be a lip on the tab to open the can, and it would be used to re-open the can from a sealed state. Here is a cross-section:

Coke Pepsi Soda Can Beverage closed open tab lid environmental packaging

For the existing small cans, the current tab system will do. This would be more beneficial for the larger bottles now, that way we can get a 491mL can, a 700mL can and a 1L can. A 2L….I’ll get back to you on that.

The plug/tab would need to be slightly larger than the opening, and would need to be a fully-enclosed object. I designed this tab to be angled so it would be easier to grab and lift and have more clearance for the plug/seal.

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Posted on February 2, 2011, in Environment, Food and tagged , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 3 Comments.

  1. Another nice idea, but big soda would never go for it.

    They DON’T WANT you to drink half a can, and then save the rest for later. It’s all about getting you to buy more product.

    With today’s tab design, f you drink half a soda and decide to save the rest for later, chances are you’ll just open another new can, because the half you saved is all flat and nasty.

    Your design is very simple and a terrific way to convince people to consume less. Unfortunately, we live in a society where this is not encouraged.

    • Yeah those cans are designed for a single serving. It would be nice if they issued the larger plastic bottles (455mL, 700mL, 1L) in aluminum re-sealable cans so they would be easier to recycle. Granted those larger cans would resemble a small Keg. :)

  2. Yeah dude. You rock. My friend showed me your site. Love everything.

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