Inspirational Music Anyone?
EDIT: Frak. The middle three videos require that you venture out to Youtube to watch. Apologies.
I haven’t done a post on inspiring music in awhile, so I thought I’d try to come up with an excuse to post this awesome song by Alice in Chains, ‘Take Her Out’.
Alice in Chains most recent album, Black Gives Way To Blue, came out a few years ago. I finally got around to listening to it. and I have to say it is an awesome record.
Here is another artist I’ve been rockin’ on the iPod, Dragonette. She is well-known here in Canada and makes some very catchy music. A guilty pleasure:
There is an actual music video filmed for that one, but it cuts away from the music for an extended period.
I’ve noticed that in a lot of music videos: they interrupt the music with either a dramatic scene, a voiceover, or some sound effects. There is no way you’ll hear a song in it’s entirety on TV, it seems.
Here is another Dragonette one which is also very catchy, if you can look past the country-flavored sound. It’s a clever video that ‘remixes’ an old Travolta film apparently:
At twelve years old this is an oldie but overlooked goody. It is ‘Lotus’ by R.E.M., which is a groovin’ track you need a powerful stereo to fully appreciate. I should have included this in my ‘Orchestral List‘ from a few months back, now that I think of it. The orchestra in the background seems to coincide with the lyrics - when the lyrics are in a bad way, the violins just lurk, y’know?
I’ll close off this post with a melancholy-yet-upbeat song from Canadian artist Hayden entitled ‘Worthy Of Your Esteem’. It’s one of those songs that start-off misleadingly low-key, then suddenly amplify in scope out of nowhere. It’s a good song for hangovers, which will afflict half of North America tomorrow (It being St Patrick’s day today).
Happy St. Patty’s Day!
Posted on March 17, 2011, in Music and tagged Music. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a Comment.
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