Homer Simpson Desk


An office desk that looks like Homer Simpson’s control panel which looks like a partially-eaten donut. Not quite an Inception level of deep, but close enough for me. With this desk, you’d be able to “work” like Homer, which is essentially leaning back and putting your feet up to relax on the job.

The panels, which are adorned with numerous gauges and buttons (not unlike a flight cockpit), slide out of the way to reveal a flat desk surface:

Homer Simpson office desk by Dave's Geeky Ideas

All of the electronic lights and displays could function, but that would be a wiring nightmare. I’d settle for a few functional knobs for things like a volume control or PC power switch. Not shown: embedded speakers, a few drawers and cubby holes for storing junk, and grommets for wiring.

3 thoughts on “Homer Simpson Desk

  1. Hey dude, i really like this concept. Would you mind if i make this myself. eventhough it wont be done for long, i would like to have ur blessing. Thanks!

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