The final battle in Spaceballs took place in a washroom (I think) that was filled with hygiene products like those seen above. Thought I’d whip up a design and some bonus materials to allow fans to make their own Spaceballs-themed hygiene products.
First off is a toothbrush and razor blade set based on the Schwartz rings. They are inspired by those lightsaber spoons that came out a few decades ago. The ring on the toothbrush is a bit of an eyesore, sorry.
Here are some papercraft images where you can make your own cotton swab, band-aid, and soap bar boxes:
Regular 8.5″ x 11″ Cardstock Paper:
Small Cotton Swabs Small Band-Aids Soap Bar
Legal 8.5″ x 14″ Cardstock Paper:
Large Cotton Swabs Large Band-Aids
Here are some labels for affixing to other products:
8.5″ x 11″ Regular Paper:
8.5″ x 11″ Sticker Paper (recommended):
Labels for Mouthwash, Perfume, Cologne, and Deodorant
I haven’t done any papercraft stuff in years because I don’t have a printer. If there are any issues please leave your feedback in the comments.
Another great design! Love Spaceballs and love all your designs. I’m happy to see that you’re very productive these days, and I hope to see another one in stores soon.