Back to the Future Fragrance Bottle

Back to the Future Plutonium Fragrance Bottle by Dave Delisle

Here is a geeky fragrance bottle design (for a cologne or perfume) based on the plutonium rods from the first Back to the Future film. It features a pump spray and a fancy cargo container case. I’d like to see more geeky-themed fragrance products out there, because many of us geeks could smell better. I’m just saying.

This would look great on the bathroom counter with the shaving cream from Jurassic Park.

Back To The Future Gym Bag


This is something NIKE could throw together and sell tomorrow if they really wanted to: a gym bag based on the NIKE container from Back to the Future II, which stored the clothes Marty changed into. Just need the neon green logo and FOOTWEAR emblazoned on a round bag that has clear mesh panels on the sides.

Back To The Future Clock


The last BTTF clock design I posted has been the bane of a few DIYers and countless people who want one but are disappointed to learn it’s only a concept. In all likelihood it’s too complex a design to execute, with all the digital displays and built-in calendar to boot.

Back To The Future Bluetooth Speaker

BTTF bluetooth speaker design 2012 dave delisle davesgeekyideas dave's geeky ideas

This is a smaller Bluetooth Speaker that features a digital display concealed in the wood finish (like these alarm clocks), and a remote that looks like the component rack next to the speaker from the film.