Back To The Future Bluetooth Speaker

BTTF bluetooth speaker design 2012 dave delisle davesgeekyideas dave's geeky ideas

This is a smaller Bluetooth Speaker that features a digital display concealed in the wood finish (like these alarm clocks), and a remote that looks like the component rack next to the speaker from the film.

Pepsi Perfect Arcade Stick

Pepsi Perfect Arcade Stick design BTTF 2018 dave delisle davesgeekyideas

Another Back to the Future design, inspired by the Pepsi Perfect seen in Part II. It’s a bat-style stick in the shape of a Pepsi Bottle, sitting above the Pepsi dispenser table seen in the film.

Originally this would be paired up with a screen for an arcade cabinet design, the screen being similar to the ones that featured Ronald Reagan and Michael Jackson in the film; but I liked this simple arcade stick design too much.