Star Trek Personal Assistant

Star Trek personal assistant Alexa Siri Amazon Apple by Dave Delisle davesgeekyideas Dave's Geeky Ideas

I’m sure millions of folks have already thought “I would prefer to say ‘Computer’ instead of Alexa or Siri!”, and I am one of those people. I’m pretty sure Apple and Amazon have felt the same way, because their personal assistant devices appear to be inspired by Star Trek.

Obviously it’s not an original idea, but I feel such a device should look like a communicator, and would feature an amber-colored LED light instead of a blue one. It would still feature the same voice as Siri or Alexa, but could also play Sound FX from Star Trek like energizing, red alert, communicator presses, and so on.

I could also see this being paired up with Bluetooth Star Trek badge communicators that people could wear or keep on their person, to interact with the assistant remotely with just a press of the badge. Would also be helpful to find other badge wearers: “Computer, where is my kid?”

Portal Personal Assistant

Alexa Siri portal personal assistant design by Dave Delisle

I am very intrigued by the potential of Amazon’s line of personal assistants (Alexa and Echo), my hope is that one day we get HAL 9000 and GLaDOS versions of the device. Thought I would take a stab at the latter, but GLaDOS’ robotic body doesn’t fit so I enlisted the Companion Cube and the incinerator. This would still feature GLaDOS’ voice, in an ideal world.