Space Cadet Pinball Handheld Device

space cadet pinball handheld device design by Dave's Geeky Ideas dave delisle davesgeekyideas

This is handheld gaming device in the same vein as that Oregon Trail handheld that came out a few years ago. It features a 16:9 LCD screen, making this device the size of a small smartphone. It is held like a Game Boy, featuring 2 buttons on the front to control the paddles, and an analog nub in the middle to control the pinball shooter/plunger.

Pinball Smartphone Cradle


Just add a smartphone or Nintendo Switch to this cradle/controller and you can play pinball video games. The bumper buttons and table-like orientation allow players to enjoy pinball just like they were playing on a real machine.

But wait, there’s more! Just slide the marquee and stand the device upright and it is now an arcade cabinet.


The marquee slides on rails, allowing this to transform between pinball and arcade configurations. The marquee sign is a loose flap that swings down automatically in both modes, thanks to gravity.