He-Man USB Wall Adapter

He-Man MOTU USB wall adapter nite lite 2020 dave delisle davesgeekyideas

The THOR Hammer Tool Set was recently given the mini treatment, thought I’d do the same for the He-Man power bar that I posted a few years ago. This time the power sword is a compact USB wall adapter that also doubles as a Nite Lite.


I wanted this to be illuminated to simulate the “I have the POWER” sequence. It lights up when something is plugged-in, or automatically at night thanks to a light sensor.

The power prongs fold down to make this convenient for travel. A purple variant for Skeletor could also be done, something I didn’t mention in that power bar post. In hindsight I would also like the old power bar design to be illuminated, like this other power bar I designed.

HE-MAN Power Bar


By the POWER of Grayskull! I’ve been wanting to design a gadget based on Castle Grayskull for several years, along the lines of a USB Hub or Car Charger. I decided to go with a power bar design based on He-Man’s sword because it would be life-size and more functional. Plus there are no geeky power bars in existence.

There’s room for more outlets and USB ports if the red switch was removed and made into a remote switch (like this old design). The power cable extends from the end of the hilt.

If the sword could power-up Prince Adam and Cringer, why didn’t He-Man point it at his allies to help their abilities as well? Hey Man-At-Arms, you are now a walking tank. Orko, you are now a powerful sorcerer. Seems kinda selfish if you ask me.