Another Roomba design. I don’t like to repeat myself too much in a short time frame, but when I am going through a creative rut I will pick some low-hanging fruit.
Tag: Vacuum
Captain America Shield Roomba
Title says it all really. What should I talk about? I think low-fat salad dressings should be abolished. They taste like water! That’s fine for cucumber-flavored dressings, but for everything else: not acceptable. The zero carb dressings they keep in the cooler at the grocery store, that’s the stuff you want (they’re good for chip dips too).
Weird Ideas And Musings
Thought I’d post a few weird ideas that were sitting on the drawing board for awhile. From left to right:
Transformers Vacuum - This is a weird one, but a canister vacuum that looks like Decepticon Mixmaster. Transforms from cement mixer to vacuum. This could also have a Tonka appearance.
Skeletor Havoc Staff Coat Rack - Park your coats here or remove the staff from the base and use it as a prop to command your ineffectual henchmen.
Automated Driving Cart For Garbage - Automated cars will be filling the landscape over the next decade, but I think baby steps are in order. How about an automated cart that drives your garbage bins to the curb and back? It could run on solar power, which would charge over the 6 days between trips.
Speaking of garbage bins, wouldn’t it be nice if they came with a latch so you can hook them together like a train and drag them out to the curb in one go? They already have a bar in the front for the garbage truck to grab, so you just need a hook in the back.
Switched over to the LED bulbs in my apartment. They cast a nauseating and sterile white light. Why don’t they make them emit a soft amber color like old-school bulbs? I miss the “warmth” of the old bulbs. It looks like a department store in here. EDIT: they do make “yellow” LED bulbs, but I have yet to see them on shelves.
I murdered yet another spatula with my culinary prowess. There needs to be true teflon-coated spatula that can withstand the heat and be gentle on your cookware. Seems like a no-brainer to me (there are a few marketed as “teflon” but they are just nylon coated).
Responses to these are welcome! Or share your own musings below.
Q*Bert Roomba Design
Another Roomba design, this one of Q*Bert riding one of the ‘teleport discs’ he uses in the game. The disc is illuminated by RGB lights that cycle colors, giving it an appearance of spinning.
Originally I wanted the teleport disc to be about the size of a Roomba, but that would make the figurine too huge and would require a lot more lighting too.