Credit Card With Redundant Strip and Microchips

A reader who goes by Bobby commented in this post that he had an idea for a card reader that had dual mag readers so you can swipe your card either way. I responded that I thought the mag readers would interfere with another, possibly canceling each other out.

I then offered an idea that would feature a card with additional microchips and data strip. I decided to feature it here.

Originally I made the plastic clear with the intention of having the data strip embedded and protected. But then looking at it here I realized the clear plastic would get scratched anyways! It does look cool, but many cards have already done this - though for purely cosmetic purposes.

The data strip is double-sided, so you can swipe either way. Also, the card has 4 chips (though 2 could be done if inserted to be readable from both sides), so you can insert the card in any direction you’d like.

The redundant strips and chip would be so handy if you are using your card regularly. I often get stuck in line behind someone with a card that just doesn’t want to be read.

I’d like to thank Bobby for offering his idea, it completely inspired this one.

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Posted on January 17, 2011, in Electronics and tagged , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 4 Comments.

  1. so many times I’ve held the picture on my card facing me, but tried to swipe the “up” end. I think having two strips on the back would work just even better, though some may say there’s NOT ENOUGH STRIPS! you could have four strips so that the card can be swiped upside down and/or backwards for those folks.

    • Yeah it is a pain in the butt isn’t it? And you usually have an impatient cashier who says “The other way…”

      I thought about doing the 4 strips thing, but need room for the chips and other card info. Redundancy is always welcome though.

  1. Pingback: Currency Design For The Blind « Dave's Geeky Ideas

  2. Pingback: Self Serve Debit Payment Machines « Dave's Geeky Ideas

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