Bunch Of Crazy Car Ideas

A. I always thought it would be interesting to lighten the weight of the car by including a number of tanks that can be filled with Helium. There are so many places in a car with empty cavities, why not put them to use? Also we are conditioned to constantly inflate our tires, so why not inflate our car?

B. Windmill power collected in the front grill to help power the car.

C. Animated turn signals. This would truly telegraph where you want to turn, more so than blinking. I think I have seen something like this on truck side view mirrors, but this could be more widespread.

D. A telescopic canopy. The top of the car would sink down, which makes for a nice theft deterrent. Though I am wondering how I can get by the dash and steering wheel…

E. All these motors in the car to operate the windows and wipers among other things Why not a few electric pumps on-board for the tires? I remember seeing an old minivan commercial (narrated by Patrick Stewart) which featured an electric pump in the rear hatch area. Would be nice if this was a standard feature and for tires.

F. A wiper mounted to the top and bottom of the windshield, so it could clear the entire windshield with a back and forth sweep. A bit more complex, but at least it wouldn’t have to deal with wind resistance anymore. And it cleans the whole window.

G. A third headlight that is for high beams. Something that clearly indicates high beams are in use (and other motorists can call you on it). This could be mounted on the roof or a side mirror - anywhere really.

H. Little side windows mounted at foot level so you can better see how you are parking. I always liked how helicopters had this feature.

I. Hidden gas tank in the rear tail light fixture - BOTH tail lights. There must be some kind of law forbidding hidden gas doors. I personally would like these concealed, and have two of them so it doesn’t matter how you pull into a gas bar. I’d like the tail light to slide up, so even if you forgot to lower it, it’s still visible to other motorists.

J. Windshield cleaner? Why not a car cleaner? Just spritz the car with soap, let the rain rinse, and then maybe spritz a wax later. Drying is easy as going the speed limit.

K. Bumpers that extend when an impending collision is detected. Would make people second-guess about tail-gating.

One day I’ll do some interior features…

Posted on February 26, 2011, in Cars, Transportation and tagged , . Bookmark the permalink. 2 Comments.

  1. These ideas can definitely be classified as crazy.

    I chuckled reading the one which suggested foot-level windows for parking akin to helicopters. It would help, but it’s a bit out there; I’m sure you realize that ;)

    • Yes all very out there, but sometimes I just like to toss all inhibitions out the window and post something that appeals to my immature sensibilities.

      And sometime I like to create a fun post, with no agenda or reason or serious thought (not that I am often accused of that).

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