Head Rests You Can Actually Rest Your Head On

If you ever tried to sleep on a bus, train or plane, you’ll know it can be very uncomfortable. And if it is comfortable for you, chances are you had to steal a neighbor’s shoulder!

So I figured having another set of arm rests attached to chair would be helpful. Except these are attached near the top of the chair, and are encased in a soft cushion.

Swivel it down as far as you need and you can lean your head against it. Or merely have it down as a safeguard if you are one of those crazy people who can sleep upright. Or to barricade a neighbor that looks like he/she is going to pass out.

These could be used on buses, trains and planes, and possibly cars as well - except for the driver, of course.

Would transportation companies employ these head rests, even for long trip routes? Nope - more upkeep. We humans are filthy. Though if it was just a bare arm and people had to bring their own pillows, then possibly.

And kids - I am hip to the internet memes. The chairs on the right are not “looking for kyle” or telling you “how tall he is”. They are in fact screaming on a pretend roller-coaster.

EDIT: These could also be branched off the existing head rest directly. But not everyone is that tall…

Posted on February 28, 2011, in Cars, Transportation and tagged , , , . Bookmark the permalink. Leave a Comment.

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