Thanks to Netflix I recently revisited Justice League Unlimited, and finally got acquainted with Batman: The Brave And The Bold. Both series feature Booster Gold and his sidekick, a hovering robot named Skeets.
And Skeets being such a versatile robot, he struck me as something that would translate to many neat products, such as: a webcam, virtual keyboard projector, night light, USB Hub, desktop speaker, digital projector, and so on. For now I’m happy to use Skeets as a lamp, mostly because he’d look cool and would also serve as a life-size prop of sorts.
I’m a little surprised that there aren’t several Skeets products on the market already. In both shows he struck me as toy-like in his appearance, and his voice sounded like something emitted from a sound chip that are common in toys today. Lots of opportunity here in my opinion.
A few notes: the lamp could collapse to show Skeets in his normal form (above right), and his red eye could be used as a night light perhaps? The lamp would use a doughnut-shaped halogen or LED light. And yes it would be cool if it came with a number of phrases voiced by Billy West (the voice actor who voiced Skeets in both shows).
Gosh, the last thing I need is another project to attempt, but this seems so *do-able*!
I envision using a large easter-style egg and an automatic opening/closing umbrella shaft. The red ‘eye’ could be one of those plugin glowing panel doohickeys with the appropriate filter.
But alas, I owe my soul (and time) to the company store. 😉