Nintendo R.O.B. Bottle Opener

Nintendo R.O.B. Bottle Opener by Dave's Geeky Ideas

Remember in the 80’s there was this promise of household robots could head to the fridge and fetch a few drinks for its thirsty owners? This opener would sort of fulfill that pipe dream by having a robot assist with opening a beer bottle. Progress!

There would be no robotics involved, just a bottle opener molded into the shape of Nintendo’s famous peripheral. R.O.B. himself would split in two, his lower base serving as a display stand with a magnet holder.

Nintendo R.O.B. Bottle Opener by Dave's Geeky Ideas


R.O.B. was completely useless as a video game peripheral, but as a bottle opener? I can think of no greater calling.

One thought on “Nintendo R.O.B. Bottle Opener

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