Iron Giant Coffee Table

Iron Giant coffee table by Dave Delisle

Had this idea for years, I just didn’t want to post it because it may be too ugly/weird for this blog. Seeing as the Iron Giant Blu-ray release is around the corner, I’m in a good mood so I felt like sharing it now.

As you can see, it’s a life-size replica of the titular robot’s detached hand, parked in the living room just like a scene from the film. Frozen as though it were trying to remain incognito, this giant hand serves as a coffee table for geeks.

Iron Giant coffee table by Dave Delisle

This table could be weighted to keep from falling over, but just to be safe a (translucent) leg will sit beneath the palm to ensure stability. Other features typically found in coffee tables, like storage drawers or a cubby hole for remotes, could also be implemented here.

Personally I like the idea of having this in my living room, however my one concern is that it will ultimately look like a pile of scrap junk, y’know? Although this could be made from wood for a more refined look. Decisions, decisions.

One thought on “Iron Giant Coffee Table

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