Marvel Studios Blu-Ray Player

Marvel Studios Blu-Ray Player Design by Dave Delisle

RGB lighting is all the rage these days, so I applied these lights to your everyday Blu-Ray player. In this case it is a Marvel-themed player that is programmed to recognize and react to all Marvel movies.

Jewel Case Game Consoles

Jewel Case Game Console by Dave Delisle Final Fantasy Playstation emulation console

I expect we’ll be getting clone consoles for the first wave of disc-based systems (like the PSX, Sega CD, 3DO, Saturn, and Dreamcast) any month now. So I thought I’d put together a console design that can lend itself to all cartridge and disc-based systems.

Iron Giant Coffee Table

Iron Giant coffee table by Dave Delisle

Had this idea for years, I just didn’t want to post it because it may be too ugly/weird for this blog. Seeing as the Iron Giant Blu-ray release is around the corner, I’m in a good mood so I felt like sharing it now.

As you can see, it’s a life-size replica of the titular robot’s detached hand, parked in the living room just like a scene from the film. Frozen as though it were trying to remain incognito, this giant hand serves as a coffee table for geeks.

Ghostbusters Sign Blu-Ray Case


Sony released a 30th Anniversary Blu-Ray Edition for Ghostbusters last week, and it features a statue of Slimer and the Ghostbusters logo. I can’t tell if that Slimer statue is dirty, or if I have a dirty mind. Anyways, I would’ve just made a snap case from the Ghostbusters sign:

Ghostbusters Blu-Ray case design by Dave Delisle

At almost 1.5″ thick, there is plenty of room in this case for additional discs, booklets, and even batteries and LED lights for a light-up feature. I’d also include mounts on the spine so you can hang it on the wall like a clock, allowing this case to function like the actual Ghostbusters sign.

X-Men Collection Blu-Ray Stand

X-Men blu-ray collection stand design by Dave Delisle davesgeekyideas

You read that right: this is a stand, not the usual case design I tend to post here. Because there are so many X-Men Blu-Ray/DVD releases (standalone and box sets), I felt I should put together a design to show off the mutant superhero movies you already have.

Pixar Collection Blu-Ray Case

Toy Story Blu-Ray case by Dave Delisle

Sorry for the lack of activity lately! I have been editing hundreds of posts these past few months as part of my cleanup effort. While I was sorting through all my art I stumbled on something I made a few years back, but decided not to post: this PIXAR case based on the Pizza Planet truck, which has been seen in every PIXAR film.