Spaceballs The Coffee Maker

Spaceballs The Coffee Maker Machine design by Dave Delisle dave's geeky ideas davesgeekyideas

I shrunk down a vending machine-sized coffee dispenser to the size of a regular coffee maker, all so geeks could drink coffee in style. It features an LCD screen that shows the brewing in progress, as well as the time and date.

In the movie the coffee pot sits behind a glass door, so I turned that into a glass window here. I removed all the lights and switches to streamline the design, making this coffee maker more feasible for an actual product (something I mentioned a few posts back).

Spaceballs The Coffee Maker Machine design by Dave Delisle dave's geeky ideas davesgeekyideas

This is optional, but to make this more compact I made the coffee pot cube-shaped. It slides into the side, just like the filter (or Keurig holder).

Because this is named MR. COFFEE, there is only one company who could make it, and that’s Mr. Coffee. I altered the text to mimic one of the company’s older logos.

One thought on “Spaceballs The Coffee Maker

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