Windows XP NUC PC Design

Windows XP NUC PC design 2019 Dave Delisle davesgeekyideas dave's geeky ideas

NUCs are a popular line of mini PC’s (not to be confused with Nucks, which is the nickname of a terrible hockey team), and I thought I’d make one look like the shutdown prompt from Windows XP, of all things.

Truth is, I thought about including some of these design cues in the previous post, even a Start button from the taskbar would be thrown in. Decided to nix the idea, because I was already trying to convey so much information. In the end, I think it works great as this PC case design.

If you Google NUCs you will notice a sea of grey boxes. I think there’s room for a more colorful and lively design like the one above, if you ask me.

One thought on “Windows XP NUC PC Design

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