Lunchbox Game Console

retro lunchbox mega man video game console legends flashback atgames 2020 dave delisle davesgeekyideas

This design combines retro gaming and the lunchboxes that were popular in the 80’s. I was inspired by the Nintendo GameCube, which had a handle on the back of the console for portability. Thought it would be nice to have a complete console kit for travelling.

retro lunchbox mega man video game console legends flashback atgames 2020 dave delisle davesgeekyideas

The console stores beneath the “window” of the lunchbox, so it can show off its large sticker, in this example I went with Mega Man. Two controllers, HDMI cable, USB power cable, and wall adapter all store underneath the console.

I redesigned the Atgames Legends Flashback for this kit, a console which has largely looked the same for the past decade or so. It’s a tiny console with an SD Card slot, so that would be my choice for this kit.

Was thinking of including a portable monitor that would sit in the lunchbox opening, but that seemed a bit overkill to include here. Maybe as a separate product?

Not only would this kit look great in a variety of game styles (Ducktales, Star Wars, Street Fighter), but it could also be sold in this case, no cardboard packaging needed. I’d love to see hotels and vending machines sell this kit.

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