Ghostbusters Loft Bed

Ghostbusters bed design firehouse

Loft beds are typically elevated beds that are paired with a desk underneath. This design could also be a bunk bed but I already designed one for Ghostbusters. Went with the original firehouse toy playset for the look, as I felt it was more colorful and fun.

The garage door is a built-in dresser, and there are more drawers facing the desk too. Originally I wanted to include a functional fire pole to slide down but that might be too difficult to execute (might need to be anchored into the ceiling and floor?).

If you think this is over-the-top you should see this backyard Ghostbusters firehouse that some parents are building for their extremely lucky kid. If you are a parent, backyard, or Ghostbusters fan, you officially suck now and should rethink all of your life choices.

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