Mad Max Fury Road Shower Cabinet

Mad Max Fury Road shower cabinet by Dave Delisle dave's geeky ideas

So yeah, a shower cabinet based on the Citadel water scene from Mad Max: Fury Road. It’s your standard shower cabinet but with fancy tiling, 3 water nozzles, and a couple of hydraulic levers to operate the water.

Ghostbusters Electrical Panel Cover

Ghostbusters ecto containment unit electrical panel cover design 2016 dave delisle davesgeekyideas dave's geeky ideas

Seeing as the Ecto Containment Unit is a wall-mounted hub where many wires originate, I figured it would be a fun way to conceal electrical panels found in households (more so if the panel is in the basement). Your circuit breakers would now reside in a ghost prison.

Ghostbusters ecto containment unit electrical panel cover design 2016 dave delisle davesgeekyideas dave's geeky ideas

Instead of creating an electrical panel shaped like the Ecto Containment Unit, I felt a separate cover that sits atop an existing electrical panel would be easier and cheaper to install. The design is modular so it can safely bypass all the wiring.

Transformers Bunk Bed

Transformers Bunk Bed design by Dave Delisle davesgeekyideas

Another bunk bed design, this one based on interim Autobot leader Ultra Magnus. His car carrier/transport alt-mode is ideal for a bunk bed configuration, with the truck cab being used for storage.

If you want to take this idea even further, you could park a few car beds on it (both given an Autobot makeover of course), but that would require an even bigger Ultra Magnus.

Side note: here is a cool Optimus Prime bunk bed that was made for a couple of lucky rugrats.

Slurm Vending Machine Fridge

Slurm Vending Machine Fridge by davesgeekyideas

Thought I’d design a fun fridge that looks and works like a vending machine. This would be ideal for any soda or beer company theme (Coke, Nuka-Cola, Duff Beer), but for this post I figured Futurama’s Slurm would be best.

Sonic The Hedgehog Mailbox

Sonic The Hedgehog Mailbox

A few years back I was going to post a few “geeky mailbox” designs but I got sidetracked and completely forgot about them. I recently played Sonic The Hedgehog and remembered this particular design using the checkpoint (aka “Star Post”) from the game.