4-Player Tabletop Arcade

4-player tabletop cocktail arcade 1up cabinet design 2020 dave delisle davesgeekyideas

Cocktail arcade cabinets have been around for decades, but they are usually for 1 or 2 players. I believe there are enough games to enable a 4-player tabletop version.

This gadget is made possible by an IPS display, a superior display that can be seen clearly from all angles. I also want to include rotary joysticks, which can be toggled like a joystick for regular games (Pac-Man), or rotated for spinner games (Pong). The rotary joystick can be a button as well.

Retro Game HDMI Splitter

Retro Game Splitter HDMI splitscreen 2019 dave delisle davesgeekyideas Dave's Geeky Ideas

Hyperkin has announced a new N64 clone console, which will include HDMI like all of their other recent console releases. It reminded me of something I wanted 20 years ago, a device that would split up the game into 4 separate displays. Ideal for the many 4-player splitscreen games that graced the N64 and other consoles of the era.