Star Trek Beer Dispenser

Star Trek beer tap dispenser by Dave Delisle

Here is a Star Trek beer dispenser design for your basement bar! Besides the obvious tap handles, the frame is based on the architecture of the Ten Forward bar seen on Star Trek: TNG. The frame is two open windows flanked by the pillars and support beams.

Mini Budweiser Red Light

Budweiser mini goal light design by Dave Delisle davesgeekyideas Dave's Geeky Ideas

Budweiser’s Red Lights are awesome, I’m quite positive they are coveted by all hockey fans. I’ve yet to get one myself because I still use a dumbphone (the lights require an app), but one day, it will be mine. Oh yes, it will be mine.

Nintendo R.O.B. Bottle Opener

Nintendo R.O.B. Bottle Opener by Dave's Geeky Ideas

Remember in the 80’s there was this promise of household robots could head to the fridge and fetch a few drinks for its thirsty owners? This opener would sort of fulfill that pipe dream by having a robot assist with opening a beer bottle. Progress!

There would be no robotics involved, just a bottle opener molded into the shape of Nintendo’s famous peripheral. R.O.B. himself would split in two, his lower base serving as a display stand with a magnet holder.

Nintendo R.O.B. Bottle Opener by Dave's Geeky Ideas


R.O.B. was completely useless as a video game peripheral, but as a bottle opener? I can think of no greater calling.