Duracell Thermos

Duracell Battery coppertop thermos coffee 2012 dave delisle davesgeekyideas dave's geeky ideas

I post lots of ideas, but once in a while I am shocked - shocked - that a particular item doesn’t already exist. Case in point: this thermos/beverage container fashioned after a Duracell coppertop. Considering our dependency on coffee as a source of energy, it makes perfect sense. It also helps that the design of the battery closely resembles your typical thermos.

The protruding contact on the top of the cup is spring-loaded, allowing the cup to sit flat on surfaces.

Borg Wireless Charging Pad

Star Trek Borg wireless charging pad 2011 Dave Delisle

Wireless charging pads emerged onto the scene a few years ago, and they are a brilliant innovation. Merely place your compatible gadget on top the pad/mat, and it will recharge through osmosis (actually with electro-magnetic induction to be precise). No wires needed, except for the one used to plug the mat in of course.

The simple interface of these recharging mats reminded me of the famous Star Trek villains the Borg and their ‘recharging stations’. So making a borg-themed charger for your portable device seems like a sensible idea if you really think about it.