Reese’s Square Peanut Butter Cups

Reese's Peanut Butter Cups square redesign efficient packaging volume 2020 dave delisle davesgeekyideas

How about some sacrilege? The same amount of peanut butter cup but in a more efficient square shape. This is to save about 15% in packaging and increase the number of bars that can be shipped around the world.

But wait there is more: I ditched the black wrappers so the cardboard tray has a flap to keep the cups separated. This helps reduce more waste, plus those darn wrappers always tear some chocolate off the bottom of the cup!


Cartridge Zombie Concept


This is a very broad idea where an old game cartridge is retrofitted with some form of new gadget. For this example, a mini PC was fitted in between a Nintendo 64 cartridge. Because cartridges can be disassembled into two halves, just about anything could be wedged in between.

Game cartridges could be turned into a plethora of devices: mini or single board PCs, game consoles, streaming boxes, NAS servers, Bluetooth speakers, smart assistants, and so on. Even small Game Boy cartridges could be turned into USB wall adapters.

And yes, it would be preferable if dead games (or common sports games) are used, but if none are available you can buy blank cartridge shells just about anywhere.

Reusable Coffee Cup Lids


In a perfect world everyone would be carrying a travel mug or thermos at all times, to help curb the waste generated by single-use coffee cups and their lids. Perhaps there is another way: a compact device that would reduce the need for plastic lids.

Weird Ideas And Musings

Transformers Vacuum, Skeletor Coat Rack, Automated Driver for Garbage by Dave's Geeky Ideas

Thought I’d post a few weird ideas that were sitting on the drawing board for awhile. From left to right:

Transformers Vacuum - This is a weird one, but a canister vacuum that looks like Decepticon Mixmaster. Transforms from cement mixer to vacuum. This could also have a Tonka appearance.

Skeletor Havoc Staff Coat Rack - Park your coats here or remove the staff from the base and use it as a prop to command your ineffectual henchmen.

Automated Driving Cart For Garbage - Automated cars will be filling the landscape over the next decade, but I think baby steps are in order. How about an automated cart that drives your garbage bins to the curb and back? It could run on solar power, which would charge over the 6 days between trips.

Transformers Vacuum by Dave's Geeky Ideas


Speaking of garbage bins, wouldn’t it be nice if they came with a latch so you can hook them together like a train and drag them out to the curb in one go? They already have a bar in the front for the garbage truck to grab, so you just need a hook in the back.

Switched over to the LED bulbs in my apartment. They cast a nauseating and sterile white light. Why don’t they make them emit a soft amber color like old-school bulbs? I miss the “warmth” of the old bulbs. It looks like a department store in here. EDIT: they do make “yellow” LED bulbs, but I have yet to see them on shelves.

I murdered yet another spatula with my culinary prowess. There needs to be true teflon-coated spatula that can withstand the heat and be gentle on your cookware. Seems like a no-brainer to me (there are a few marketed as “teflon” but they are just nylon coated).

Responses to these are welcome! Or share your own musings below.

Jurassic Park Plant Pots

Jurassic Park pot plant by davesgeekyideas

I feel that you can turn something as mundane as a plant pot into a geeky diorama, such as the Jurassic Park design above. You could add plastic dinosaurs for a more lively scene.

Another Jurassic Park design I wanted to post: a planter based on the Raptor paddock. I would’ve thrown together a concept for you but time is scarce for me these days.

I believe there is potential for other films/shows to be enlisted in this fashion (like Predator or LOST for use with tropical plants), it’s just a matter of fabricating a bunch of miniature props! Easier said than done.