Jurassic Park Entertainment Center

Jurassic Park gate entertainment center tv stand IKEA furniture 2019 dave delisle dave's geeky ideas davesgeekyideas

This design started out as a wardrobe, which was really boring. Then I saw some entertainment centers with sliding barn doors and thought they were cool so I ran with that instead. The barn doors are my personal preference, they may not be for everyone.

Jurassic Park Tablet Theater

Jurassic Park Tablet Theater design by Dave Delisle

I haven’t done a Jurassic Park design in a long time, so how about this…boring desk? I’ll clear up the confusion shortly, but first let me start off by saying that I was inspired by this neat Millennium Falcon Theater. In that setup a tablet device is elevated, allowing users to lie underneath it and watch movies.

Jurassic Park Bunk Bed

Jurassic Park velociraptor cage bunk bed design by Dave Delisle

Here’s a design for kids: a bunk bed based on the Velociraptor cage from the first Jurassic Park film. The box shape and ladder make for a perfect bunk bed.

It features a sliding door that allows access to the lower bed. You could make lift gates at both ends of the bed to match the cage, but I think that would make getting in and out of bed rather annoying.

jurassic park bunk bed furniture design

Some lighting would be helpful for the lower bunk too, if only to recreate the “Raptor getting tased” scene!

I didn’t think of this until now, but several drawers and cubby-holes can also be implemented throughout the bed frame, to help store junk and such.

In summary, the greatest parents ever would make this for their kids.

Jurassic Park Umbrella

Jurassic Park umbrella design by Dave Delisle

Wish I was old enough to wield a cane, so I can hit young people all day without repercussions. For now an umbrella based on the amber cane from Jurassic Park will suffice, mostly because it should still do a lot of damage to those meddling kids.

The canopy would have a Jurassic Park logo of some kind, probably something along the lines of “Welcome to Jurassic Park” or another John Hammond quote. Sorry for being lazy and not adding a graphic to the canopy.

Jurassic Park Plant Pots

Jurassic Park pot plant by davesgeekyideas

I feel that you can turn something as mundane as a plant pot into a geeky diorama, such as the Jurassic Park design above. You could add plastic dinosaurs for a more lively scene.

Another Jurassic Park design I wanted to post: a planter based on the Raptor paddock. I would’ve thrown together a concept for you but time is scarce for me these days.

I believe there is potential for other films/shows to be enlisted in this fashion (like Predator or LOST for use with tropical plants), it’s just a matter of fabricating a bunch of miniature props! Easier said than done.