XBOX 360 Slim Design

UPDATE: I have updated the artwork, with some alterations and a new glossy finish here.

UPDATE #2: I designed a matching controller here.

With E3 2010 around the corner, I’m hoping there is a few more hardware unveils to be had besides the much-hyped Nintendo 3DS. I decided to take matters into my own hands and design a 360 Slim console, to replace the 5-year old 360 design.

The XBOX 360, while a very powerful and capable machine (when it’s not suffering RROD), has always been ugly to me. It looks like an appliance, and even the power button feels like it’s been borrowed from a stove top. I think it’s “Alien Spacecraft” look is dated and doesn’t look great parked next to an LCD screen.

XBOX 360 Slim

Here is my take on what a 360 Slim or redesign should look like. Firstly, I got rid of the disc tray in favor of a loading slot, like the Wii and PS3. Secondly, the memory card slots are parked on top next to the hard drive.

As for the overall look of this 360 Slim, It was highly influenced by 360 art and packaging, oddly enough. There is a huge air intake in the front (this thing needs to breathe, am I right?), made up of two sets of encircling ring patterns. The top of the console looks like the banner of a 360 game package, which would look great over a face plate.

I designed the layout to truly showcase a face plate. It would sit under the LED band, and now you can actually see some nice art framed, say the box art from HALO 3. The face plate would be smaller, allowing publishers to include it inside the game box, methinks.

There are a few more LED lights, one large band to indicate power, and the XBOX ‘LIVE’ word to show you are connected. It’s cosmetic, but I think it looks cool.

Posted on June 12, 2010, in Computers, Electronics, Video Games and tagged , , . Bookmark the permalink. 6 Comments.

  1. Needs moar chrome!
    I actually the see the perfect amount of chrome in this design.

    The ring air-vent is a beautiful and practical addition.
    Here’s my constructive criticism:
    USB ports should be spaced farther since there is more room.
    Disc eject button!
    I’d suggest an engraved/embossed horizontal Xbox 360 name logo above/below (depending on orientation) the disk drive to make up for some empty space. Maybe a MS logo on top where your Xbox one is?

    • Hey Christian,

      All excellent feedback!

      I may just add those details. I like to update stuff if there is room for improvement and I think you nailed it on the head.

      I’ve been looking at updating this design, which has grown a bit too sparse and devoid of personality for my evolving taste!.

      Stay tuned!

  2. ciaoooo xbox 360 ballo bene ok ok

  1. Pingback: The New Xbox 360 Slim Revealed? « Dave's Ideas

  2. Pingback: Xbox 360 Slim Redux « Dave's Ideas

  3. Pingback: And Now For Something Completely Different « Dave's Ideas

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