Xbox 360 Slim Redux

Sorry for the lack of activity as of late! Been conjuring up designs for work. Without further ado, here are some new renders of a previous post, my then-prediction of the Xbox 360 Slim.

Xbox 360 Slim

Plus a lot of you have been google-searching for an Xbox 360 Slim these past few weeks. Clearly there is an appetite for a smaller, leaner Xbox 360. Why are people obsessed with thinner?

I still like my design because it actually is reflective of the box namesake, as opposed to the angular redesign Microsoft issued for the recent 360 makeover. I will give them credit for offering their newest system in both glossy and matte finish versions, so consider this re-post my “glossy” version.

I will soon be unveiling some new Blu-Ray sets and some more Video Game systems. Stay tuned!

Posted on August 12, 2010, in Electronics, Video Games and tagged , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 2 Comments.

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