Practical Product Packaging + Apple iPhone Idea

There is a lesson to be learned from those kids who play with the box instead of the toys that were once sealed within. They see a practical use for these containers, while we as adults just toss them out without hesitation once we get the contents out.

I designed this package to not only look appealing on the shelf or in the display case, but to be a functional fixture that you’ll hold onto. Sort of like the jewel case your DVD/CD comes in. This example looks at a mobile phone product.

I could live with a product that is shrink-wrapped to begin with, but seeing as these are usually kept in display cases, they could be set out as-is. A bunch of these would sit in a cardboard box for transport.

Seeing as most people buy a protective case or a travel case for their mobile phone, it would make sense to provide that right off the start. Currently, Apple provides a clear plastic case for their iPods, which I find handy at times, but it’s not designed for quick storage and removal.

I made the base of the box a charging dock - another common feature people buy (or is included with your iHardware). Makes too much sense that this would be used in such a dual fashion - storing and docking.

Behind the phone, I designed a USB cable storage that works much like the power plug on a vacuum. A couple of spools, and a few cavities to rest both ends of the USB cable. The AC Adapter plug could attach to the top of the stand.

It would be beneficial to the environment to offer packaging that can adapt to serve an ongoing function. But would Apple provide something like this? That is a tough call, so many third parties provide docks and cases - might be a messy scenario dealing with that cottage industry.

I’d also like to offer an idea that might help: Manual/Instructions that are stored internally in the device. Would save paper.

EDIT: I know those Lego clips look incapable of holding this together! I’m sure there is a practical way to seal this shut and open.


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Posted on January 22, 2011, in Electronics, Environment, Gadgets, Video Games and tagged , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 1 Comment.

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