Vancouver Skytrain Map – Super Mario 3 Style

UPDATE: A new version of the map has been made, check it out here.

Original post as follows:

Mario Bors 3 Skytrain Map Vancouver NES Nintendo Expo Millennium Line Canada Line 2011 2012
Click To Enlarge

Here is a Skytrain map which was inspired by actual maps I have seen in the trains and stations. I hope you enjoy it!

41 thoughts on “Vancouver Skytrain Map – Super Mario 3 Style

      1. Brilliant! Please throw me an email ( brian [dot] vidovic [at] ) with the higher res version whenever you have a moment. Glad you are interested in EXP; we hope to take that intrigue and turn it into enthusiasm as the opening draws closer. 🙂 Thanks in advance for the image and great work on this site! First round is on me!

  1. If you want it to really mimic the layout of theTranslinks maps you might think of adding the Seabus and West Coast Express links at Waterfront.

    1. Haha maybe one day. I’ve re-done this map several times, so I’m content for the moment. I might do a high-res one for a poster one day, and would look at including those.

      1. As a frequent WCE commuter I’d love it if you did an expanded one to include WCE and Seabus.

        I love it though. I wonder if my wife would be ok with me having a print of this in our new place.

      2. Perhaps in the next version. I’m putting together a poster purchase soon. I’ll see how that goes over, and if there is a lot of demand, I will do one with Seabus and WCE, possibly the B-lines too.

  2. Holy crap. People are judgmental. HOnestly, this is the best use of a skytrain map that I’ve ever seen. Who cares if it’s not 100% true to life. It’s a SMB3 version of it and is for fun. Wicked job! Very cool idea and I love how the airport has a sewer tunnel to warp elsewhere. 🙂 Great job!

  3. This is wicked awesome!

    Dave, are you planning on selling t-shirts?
    If yes I’ll buy one
    If no,do you mind if I print one for when I’m on skytrain.

    Also Brian of EXP bar, and Arkwolf of 8-bits of destiny, I’m totally psyched about both of your projects. It’s a good day to be a Vancouverite.

    1. I can add this to a shirt in my Printfection store, but it might be too big a print. I’ll let you know!

      You are more than welcome to print it. That’s why I made a large version. I’ve got one framed on my wall.

  4. Hope it’s OK that I post your map on my website for international students coming to Vancouver to study ( I think they’ll crack up as much as I did.

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