HUD Alarm Clock Design


Heads Up Displays have been commonplace in cars for a few decades now, where they project useful information onto the windshield for drivers to see. Well now I feel this tech could be used for in-home applications, specifically alarm clocks.

The reason for this is to drastically reduce the bright light that most digital alarm clocks emit, which can be annoying for many people trying to sleep. With a HUD display, the light is projected upwards onto glass, resulting in a clear but not too overpowering display.

This configuration is similar to a car’s HUD, the tinted glass is tilted like a windshield. I added a large canopy above the display to trap the light. This canopy also serves as a huge ‘snooze’ button as well, because we could all use one of those.

The glass would be tinted in a dark color so the time can be seen during the day as well, I just went with a light blue for presentation purposes here. The back might also need to be enclosed too.

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