Optimus Prime Container House


I’m breaking my promise of no more tiny house designs, but this is a container house, which is slightly different. This design is based on a 20-foot container, which is on the smaller side, but you could go life-size with a 40-footer and a real truck if you wanted.

Had this on the drawing board for a while, I just didn’t like adding windows to the sides of the container, it really broke up the look. Until I thought of another way:

Optimus Prime container house design tiny homes 2019 dave delisle davesgeekyideas dave's geeky ideas

Hundreds of holes would be punched into the container wall. The container wall is corrugated, so frosted glass would fill the gaps on both sides. Lastly the Autobot logo and stripe (also made of frosted material) would conceal the whole thing.

No windows on the sides, but lots of light pouring in. There are windows in the ceiling. Additional windows could be added, but this configuration is my personal preference.

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