Portable Bartop Arcade

Powkiddy Pandora's Box portable arcade retro system 2020 Dave Delisle davesgeekyideas

What if a Pandora’s Box system actually came in a box shape? My genius knows no bounds. Jokes aside, I’ve been digging those suitcase systems Pandora’s Box has been releasing as of late, however I just don’t like removing the joystick when I need to go portable. So I went with a typical Powkiddy arcade system and added a folding cover.

A couple of latches unlock the cover (which has a suitcase handle), allowing it to swing to the back of the system. The end result looks like a regular bartop arcade. The whole thing works like a baby bassinet cover, I must admit.

There are no electronics in the cover section, to keep things simple. If you want to back-light the marquee, the LEDs could be housed above the monitor. A compartment behind the monitor stores the power adapter and cord.

Notes: This could be kept in suitcase mode and used as a console, most of these systems have an HDMI port on the back to allow TV-out functionality (plus USB ports for controllers and the power button too). The entire system could be clad in colorful graphics to resemble a bartop, I am limited to 256 colors in order to make animated GIFs, so the mockups reflect that. Originally I wanted the suitcase to look like an 80’s lunchbox, but I already did something like that.

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