Ghostbusters USB Thumb Drive


This dates back to one of my very first ideas on this site, but a few things about that flash drive design bugged me: it could not fit into any USB port (the plug was recessed), and it had no indicator light. Well I’m glad to finally put together a redesign, which features a flip plug and an LED light to indicate that it is plugged-in.

The ghost trap is a plug-and-play device used by the Ghostbusters, so it makes sense it would be a USB flash drive. You’re just transporting data instead of ghosts.

There are a few other variations for this design: the USB plug could flip out of the trap doors; the trap compartment could be a flash drive that slides out of the main trap; or the foot pedal cable could be a USB plug that is tethered to the flash drive trap. Either way, I hope to get one of these some day.

Ghostbusters Wood Alarm Clock

Ghostbusters wood alarm clock WE GOT ONE 2011 Dave Delisle davesgeekyideas

You might have seen those beautiful wood alarm clocks with displays that peer through the wood in the front. That was the approach here, with the addition of Janine’s “WE GOT ONE” button on top that functions as a snooze button.

Ghostbusters PKE Meter Wireless Router

Ghostbusters WiFi Router Design by Dave Delisle davesgeekyideas Dave's Geeky Ideas

The Ghostbusters’ PKE Meter would make for a very cool wireless router. The two “ears” would double as antennae, and the array of LED lights would display the current signal strength. Plus the screen would display helpful network information. The handle would need to be weighted down to ensure this stays upright.

Ghostbusters Firehouse Papercraft

Ghostbusters Firehouse Papercraft design by Dave Delisle 2011 davesgeekyideas dave's geeky ideas

I recommend using card stock for this one, it is BIG. Normal paper might buckle. Also, my lame printer does not go as dark as I would like, so yours may be darker (do a test print). And lastly the diagram is designed with thicker card stock in mind, so scaling it down for normal paper might cause a few issues.

Ecto Containment Unit USB Hub


This is an all-in-one gadget design that is loosely-based on the Ecto Containment Unit from Ghostbusters. It’s a case for an external hard drive, USB hub, and a card reader. For fun I’d like to see it come with a USB Flash drive that looks just like a ghost trap (more on that here). The ghost trap would have it’s own dedicated port, like the one seen above.