6 Dead Gadgets That Deserve A Revival

iPod illuminated clickwheel design 2018 Dave Delisle davesgeekyideas

Here are a bunch of products that came and went but deserve a second chance, in my opinion. In no particular order:

1. Clickwheel iPod. Right now the only iPod available is the Touch, but there are dozens of us still clinging to the old clickwheel models. I have a hunch that a clickwheel iPod will return in 2021 to mark the device’s 20th anniversary.

I remember Apple showing off a new line of iPods (5th Gen Nano I think), and I honestly thought the clickwheels were illuminated! I was wrong, of course. For the mockup above I included that feature. Bluetooth and wireless charging would also be welcome additions.

Apple Siri Screen

Apple Siri Screen design by Dave Delisle

Amazon recently released the Echo Show, an Alexa assistant with a built-in screen that displays information on demand. If Apple were to release a similar product, they can do no worse than making it look like an 80’s Macintosh computer. Nostalgia is all the rage these days, see the NES Classic or C64 Mini.

Ipod Hybrid Design

IPod hybrid concept design 2010 dave delisle davesgeekyideas

This concept marries the modern touchscreen with the old iPod clickwheel. It would be the best of both of worlds, at least for those of us who like to skip songs without looking.

IPod hybrid concept design 2010 dave delisle davesgeekyideas

The OREO shape would make for a neat way to store earbuds too, almost like a yo-yo. Who doesn’t wrap their earbuds around their iPod?

This would be small enough to clip onto a wristband or a lapel.