Minecraft Torch Xbox Series X


The top of the Xbox Series X illuminates, so this idea was born. If Microsoft did make something like this, the “flame” section would need to allow airflow somehow (lots of holes?). A Minecraft Creeper deco is more likely.

Good news everyone! I was removed from Facebook because I changed my phone number last year, so I couldn’t verify my account…so yeah that is all gone. As a result I decided to close my Tumblr and Twitter accounts too, so I can further declutter my life. I recommend subscribing for email alerts if you want to stay up to date on new posts here.

EDIT: my mistake, I thought the top of the Series X had a green LED, it is actually a green plastic trim underneath the black grill on top. This idea could still be done, if the torch came with its own LED fixture.

Accessible Steering Controller


Logitech started selling some accessories for the excellent Xbox Adaptive Controller, so I thought I’d pitch this controller accessory. It could potentially allow gamers to drive a car with a single finger.

Microsoft Clippy Floating Pen


Microsoft is a relatively unknown company, and they need lots of help raising brand awareness. So I designed this promotional item to help get the word out! This is one of those ‘floating pens’ which contain a sliding image that moves up and down the pen. See it in action after the jump.