Geeky Gadget Wish List #6: BTTF Alarm Clock

BTTF Alarm Clock Title

This one is pretty self-explanatory: An alarm clock based on the ‘Time Coordinates’ input device from Back to the Future. A few things: I had trouble filling out the bottom display, so I think it could be done better, unless you want to make it a second alarm. Obviously, this will include a dimmer for those irritated by any bit of light trying to sleep (like I am).

I also added an iPod docking cord that is encased in a LED rope light, a look similar to what adorns the DeLorean from the films. The cord is bolted down for an industrious look Doc Brown would approve of! In a way, this gives the clock an added lamp - great for the desk or bedside.

BTTF Alarm Clock Animation

Again, if this is a gadget you dig, I recommend you bug Thinkgeek here, where they take email submissions for gadget ideas. Select the ‘Gadgets’ heading, and send them a link to this post and tell them you want one! If you’re not familiar with Thinkgeek, they make all kinds of cool gadgets, definitely worth browsing.

EDIT Jan 18/2011: If you liked this be sure to check out some other great BTTF designs, including a Blu-Ray tin case, a chandelier (seriously), and a wrist watch.

Also, looking back at this old post, yikes. Those signatures were massive. The art could be better…

UPDATE April 26/2011: Well I decided to do some nice new renders. I can’t believe how bad those old ones look (especially that jarring gradient in the GIF). Here they are:

Back to the Future Alarm Clock

BTTF Alarm Clock Time Coordinates Flux Capacitor

I think the standalone clock (minus the iPod cable) looks great! That would be my preference.

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Posted on May 16, 2010, in Computers, Electronics, Toys and tagged , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 5 Comments.

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