The New Xbox 360 Slim Revealed?

Well, it’s an improvement - if this is indeed the newest hardware. It has yet to be officially confirmed. Read the full story here at Kotaku. It looks to still have the disc tray, which are junky and awkward and outdated, in my opinion. I do like the side vent grills, very sports-car like. The angular shape looks odd, though this is on purpose - Microsoft wants you to take notice, and mess with your pattern recognition center of the brain as you do a double-take. Dynamic lines always make people take notice.

Still, I am biased towards my own recent design:

Either way, I’m sure Microsoft has developed a much more reliable machine, to avoid a repeat of the RROD fiasco that plagued the platform for all its 5 years. With x number years at the drawing board for the new 360, it must be perfection now, right?

Posted on June 14, 2010, in Electronics, Video Games and tagged , , , . Bookmark the permalink. Leave a Comment.

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