And Now For Something Completely Different

Dave's Ideas Blog WordPress originaldave77

This blog started up waaaay back in March 2010. It has now reached the 250th post, a milestone held in high esteem across the interweb. Okay not really. But I was going to do a year-end thingy, may as well do it now!

Top 10 most-visited posts:

10. BP Oil Spill Ideas (Part 1). Happy to see this fiasco finally get resolved nearly five months after this idea went up (which I posted 1 month into the crisis).

9. Seven Ways To Fix The WNBA. Apparently a lot of you are seeking information on this fledgling league, way more than the big four leagues (which are frequently mentioned).

WNBA needs fixing repairs money financial losing

8. Geeky Gadget Wish List #6 Back to the Future Alarm Clock. I made 20+ GGWL entries, but this one took the cake. Many people want this gadget, and I hope Universal Studios and/or Thinkgeek is paying attention.

7. Calvin and Hobbes Papercraft Transmogrifier. Papercraft is a hit here, as you’ll see. Glad to see many people out there still missing Calvin and his stuffed tiger Hobbes as much as I do.

6. If IKEA Made Geeky Furniture Part 3: Mega Man. This one was a very recent post, and is still wildly popular, thanks in part to being singled out by many Capcom blogs/fan sites.

5. Jurassic Park Blu-Ray Collector’s Tin. Since this debuted a few months back, it has been one of my most popular entries. People want Jurassic Park on Blu-Ray (regardless of package), so I hope Universal Studios delivers these films in HD sooner than later.

4. Back to the Future Flux Capacitor Blu-Ray Case. BTTF again! This one continues to be popular, despite the trilogy already being released on Blu-Ray a few months back. Perhaps for the eventual double-dip, Universal could look at releasing something like this.

BTTF Collector's Tin Case

3. The Amoeba Train. I will admit, I think people sought this one out for the Skytrain map I included. I feel so used.

2. XBOX 360 Slim Design. I made this concept in anticipation of the refreshed 360 at E3. I have since gotten way more hits after the new 360 console was released, meaning there is a huge appetite for a slimmer model.

Xbox 360 Slim

1. Ghostbusters Firehouse Papercraft. By an enormous landslide, this DIY bit of fandom continues to be popular since it’s debut on Oct 29, 2010. A spiffier version is in the works for the new year.

Thank you all for visiting! Tomorrow I will showcase my 10 personal favorite posts. It’s a wildly different list.

Posted on December 13, 2010, in Papercraft, Robots, Sports, Toys, TV, Video Games and tagged , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 1 Comment.

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