And Now For Something Completely Different….Er, Again.

Yesterday, to commemorate my 250th post on this here blog, I listed the top 10-most visited posts by you awesome people you. Because you all have questionable taste (kidding!), I have decided to list my personal top ten favorite posts so far:

10. The C-Bridge. A simple passenger “drawbridge” that can be operated remotely. Ideal for narrow canals that have a lot of boat traffic. I still can’t believe I thought of that hinge/railing that connects when linked.

9. Geeky Gadget Wish List #3: Ghostbusters Ecto Containment Unit. It’s a USB hub, backup drive bay, and card-reader complete with a nifty ghost trap flash drive. I want this on my desk STAT.

Ghostbusters Containment Ecto Unit. Storage USB Card Reade Backup Drive Gadget

8. Cereal Killer! This concept takes all the colorful cereal boxes (and any other boxed food) and replaces them with brown cardboard boxes with barely any labeling. Instead, there would be a gate in front of the products with a full-color image depicting the product.

Cereal boxes packaging recycling save money economy environment

7. If IKEA Made Geeky Furniture Part 6.5: Superman Desk. I love this Fortress of Solitude desk so much I am looking at getting one made. That is, if it doesn’t cost a mint. Even though I could smash into any bank in the United States…no I could not.

6. The Green Skyscraper. It has windmills! I’m glad to see this has been done (as I noted in the article), but I feel it could be more commonplace.

Green buildings clean natural energy Windmill power generating Environment

5. The PC Internal Power Bridge. Not to make a big presumption, but this idea makes way too much sense. If I had the means to lobby all PC manufacturers to incorporate this kind of internal layout, I would. Hey ASUS, call me!

4. The Quadrail Elevated Rail System. Admittedly, way out there. But if one of these ever became a reality, I would scramble to get on that train so I can make rollercoaster sounds. WHHHEEEEEEEEEE!

Elevated Rail System L-Train Jumping Switch Rails

3. Energy-Saving Refrigerators That Seal When Open. Confused? You’ll have to check it out to get the idea. I promise you’ll get all Keanu when you see it (whoa).

2. My Greatest Idea. Ever. You know, I was half kidding here, as it sits second overall. But darnit, this would would make Kraft a wajillion dollars every day! If you are a Kraft shareholder, stage an uprising/coupe to make this a reality. Pitchforks and torches are extremely effective.

1. The Green Power of Buoyancy. I believe we can have huge farms of these electricity-producing pumps along the waterfront everywhere. They are accessible, not in the way, and would create green and clean energy.

Green Clean Energy Natural Electricity Buoyancy Power Environment

Sorta hypnotic. I can't look away.

Thanks for checking out my blog these past 9 months, it’s been a blast. Stay tuned for more!

Posted on December 14, 2010, in Appliances, Architecture, Cars, Comics, Computers, Electronics, Environment, Food, Furniture, Gadgets, Video Games and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. Leave a Comment.

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