If I Designed Blu-Ray/DVD/Video Game Cases

I’ve always ALWAYS wanted a case that would open at the spine. This way I can grab the movie or video game disc, and just leave the case parked on the shelf with the rest of my library.

I think a static design would work, wherein the disc holder is just attached to the spine. However I went the extra distance and created a ramp and slider system, so the disc could roll towards you. It’s a bit more clearance from the case, and having this extension mechanic just exclaims “Here is your movie/video game, enjoy!”

This can co-exist with the existing jewel case system that opens like a book, should you need to get at the booklet, or prefer to get at the disc old-school style.

Not only is this handy for those who own many films/video games, but it really keeps things neat and organized.

I think this could be a system people would upgrade all their cases to in a wholesale fashion. As long as they recycle their old cases!

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Posted on February 9, 2011, in Films, TV, Video Games and tagged , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 4 Comments.

  1. Is the little tab at the top to pull the ramp out with the end of your finger, or is there another detail somewhere that I’ve missed?

  2. This is something really hope becomes a reality one day. I know a lot of people that would love being able to access their video games this way.

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